
Learning the 9 Most Amazing Things 5-Year-Olds Accomplish 2020 STJCC

Five-year-olds are at a magical stage of development where their minds and bodies grow rapidly, opening the door to new achievements. At this age, children exhibit impressive abilities across various areas, including cognitive, emotional, and physical domains. This article explores the nine Learning the 9 Most Amazing Things 5-Year-Olds Accomplish 2020 STJCC, providing insights into their development milestones and why this stage is so pivotal, regarding 2020 STJCC standards of early childhood education.

1. Mastering Basic Reading Skills

At five, children begin recognizing sight words and developing phonemic awareness. They can often read simple books independently, a significant leap in literacy. This early reading foundation enables children to explore the world of books with excitement.

2. Counting and Simple Math Understanding

Five-year-olds can count to 20 or higher, identify basic shapes, and even start solving simple addition and subtraction problems. Their curiosity about numbers helps them grasp patterns, sequences, and relationships in math, which lays the groundwork for future problem-solving skills.

3. Improved Motor Skills and Coordination

Whether it’s tying their shoelaces or riding a bicycle, five-year-olds demonstrate remarkable progress in their gross and fine motor skills. Activities like coloring within lines, cutting paper, and balancing on one foot become easier, showcasing their growing coordination.

4. Engaging in Imaginative Play

Imaginative play takes on a whole new level at this age. Children create detailed storylines, role-play as characters, and even set rules for their games. This ability reflects cognitive development, creativity, and emotional exploration.

5. Following Multi-Step Instructions

By the age of five, children can follow complex, multi-step instructions like “Put on your shoes, grab your backpack, and wait by the door.” This milestone indicates progress in executive functioning, which is essential for self-regulation and organization.

6. Building Friendships and Social Skills

Five-year-olds become more socially aware and start forming meaningful friendships. They begin understanding empathy, cooperation, and conflict resolution—skills essential for thriving in group settings like classrooms or playgrounds.

7. Expressing Emotions with Words

At this age, children become more adept at identifying and articulating their emotions, which helps reduce tantrums. Through improved language skills, they can communicate their feelings more effectively and learn to manage frustration.

8. Developing Independence and Responsibility

Many five-year-olds embrace small responsibilities like feeding pets, cleaning up toys, or dressing themselves. This growing independence gives them confidence and encourages accountability for their actions.

9. Exploring Curiosity About the World

Children at this stage have an insatiable curiosity. They start asking “why” questions about everything, from natural phenomena to social interactions. Encouraging this curiosity fosters a love of learning that will benefit them throughout life.


The year 2020 emphasized the importance of early childhood education, as highlighted by institutions like STJCC. Understanding the key milestones that five-year-olds achieve helps parents, caregivers, and educators support children during this critical phase. Whether they can read, form friendships, or express emotions, the accomplishments of 5-year-olds are truly amazing.

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